Yiannis Michael answers frequently asked questions about the Re-Paint Your Life (RYL) method. Through his answers, he explains exactly what the RYL method is, what its success rates are, and whether it involves risks or side effects.
He also analyzes the diagnostic test process, the possibility of permanent results and the need for maintenance, as well as the conditions for people who wish to start the treatment, even for younger ages.
Finally, he answers questions about the need for a combination of products such as magnesium and lemongrass, and the effectiveness of the treatment in cases with multiple problems, such as anxiety, depression and phobias.
What exactly is the RYL method?
The RYL method is the Re-Paint Your Life Bioresonance Method. It is an innovative method that is only applied in our own treatment centers.
Are there any risks involved in these treatments?
There are no side effects with this method.
And what exactly is the diagnostic test that is performed?
The diagnostic test is to identify at a given moment which foods do not suit your body based on the emotional trauma.
What are my chances of success?
The success rate is 90%. There is definitely a 10% of people who are not receptive to treatment or people who we cannot help.
Is the result after the treatments permanent? And if so, is there any maintenance required?
In most cases, the result is permanent, but the maintenance part is very important. Not for the old trauma, but you understand we live in a society where pressure and anxiety are part of our lives. We need a method for liberation.
Is it a painful procedure?
It is completely painless, harmless and without side effects.
I want to bring my son as an example. At what age can a child start?
We start from the age of five until deep old age.
What will I likely feel until the next treatment?
At the first meeting we start the first treatment which is the detoxification stage. And there may be thirst, frequent urination or headache.
Why is it important to use both magnesium and lemongrass?
It is very important to have the desired results to combine our treatment with transdermal magnesium and lemongrass, so that these two products can enhance our treatment.
For example, if I have depression, anxiety and phobias at the same time, can I solve them with the same treatment cycle or do I have to do a separate treatment cycle?
The great advantage of the RYL method is precisely that we can simultaneously treat the three energy imbalances that you mentioned.
Will I feel better than the first time, though?
Not all people. There are people who may feel worse during the first sessions, and there are people who may feel relief from the first session. This has to do with the person.
Is it possible if I only want to do the first three, and if necessary later do the remaining seven treatments?
It will not have any effect if someone only wants to follow the three meetings because this is the detoxification stage. You start a process and leave it in the middle.