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From Fear to Freedom: Join the Hundreds Who Have Conquered Their Fear of Flying

Unlock the Skies: Overcome Your Fear of Flying with Our Proven «RYL» Method

Are you struggling with aviophobia (fear of flying) that limits your travel plans and impacts your quality of life? You’re not alone, and help is at hand. At Re-Paint Your Life Well Being Center, we specialize in providing compassionate, expert guidance to help you conquer your fear of flying and embrace the freedom to travel confidently.

What is Aviophobia?

Definition: Aviophobia is an intense fear of flying that can prevent individuals from traveling by air.

Also Known As: Aerophobia, fear of airplanes.


Symptoms of Aviophobia

Physical Symptoms:
• Rapid heartbeat
• Sweating
• Trembling
• Nausea
• Shortness of breath

Emotional Symptoms:
• Panic attacks
• Intense anxiety
• Fear of losing control
• Feeling of dread or doom

Behavioral Symptoms:
• Avoidance of flying
• Pre-flight anxiety
• Distress during flights

Causes of Aviophobia

• Traumatic Experiences: Past negative experiences with flying, such as severe turbulence or an emergency landing.

• Vicarious Learning: Hearing about or witnessing traumatic events related to flying.

• Genetic Predisposition: Family history of anxiety disorders.

• Lack of Control: Fear stemming from the inability to control the aircraft.

• Claustrophobia: Fear of enclosed spaces contributing to anxiety during flights.


Limiting Beliefs Associated with Aviophobia

• Catastrophic Thinking: Believing that the worst possible outcome will happen (e.g., plane crash).

• Overestimation of Risk: Exaggerating the dangers of flying compared to other modes of transportation.

• Perfectionism: Belief that everything must go perfectly or it will end in disaster.

• Lack of Trust: Doubting the competence of pilots and the safety of the aircraft.

• Helplessness: Feeling powerless to cope with the situation.


Statistics on Aviophobia

• Prevalence: Approximately 2.5% of the global population suffers from aviophobia.

• Gender Differences: Women are twice as likely as men to experience aviophobia.

• Impact: Up to 25% of travelers experience some anxiety related to flying, even if it doesn’t reach the level of a phobia.

• Avoidance: Nearly 6.5% of the population avoids air travel entirely due to fear.

Treatments for Aviophobia

Repaint Your Life Bioresonance Method (RYL) is a combination of bioresonance, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Journaling.
• Identifies energetic imbalances and release trapped emotions
• Reframes negative beliefs about flying.

Exposure Therapy:
• Gradual exposure to flying-related situations.
• Challenges irrational thoughts.

Relaxation Techniques:
• Deep breathing exercises.
• Progressive muscle relaxation.
• Mindfulness and meditation.

Education and Information:
• Providing factual information about the safety of flying.
• Familiarization with flight procedures.

Virtual Reality Therapy:
• Simulated flight experiences to reduce anxiety.

Support Groups and Workshops:
• Group therapy sessions.
• Sharing experiences and coping strategies.

Don’t let aviophobia keep you grounded. Take the first step towards conquering your fear of flying by scheduling a free consultation with one of our expert psychologists. Discover how our personalized, holistic approach can help you regain control and enjoy the freedom to travel.

Take control of your fear. Embrace the skies. Fly with confidence.

Fear of Flying Self-Assessment Test

Fear of Flying Self-Assessment Test

Answer 13 questions and see the result.

This short questionnaire has been created for anyone who thinks they may be experiencing a fear of flying (aviophobia).

The questions will help you determine if you may need additional help and professional support for your symptoms.

The test cannot replace a full diagnostic evaluation by a mental health professional.

Please answer with your most recent episode in mind, and remember if any of the following symptoms occurred during that episode.


*Fill out a quick registration before taking the test. You will get useful tools and videos to help you. At any time you can stop being part of our list.